Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Early Watercolor Painting For the Beginners

To start the watercolor painting you need to begin from somewhere and this is good. It’s a slow learning process and you are going to enjoy with this new painting skill. It’s really enjoyable as well as a bit annoying sometimes. And all this really depends upon the painter’s approach. Watercolor painting provides freedom for the watercolor artist to paint easily, freely and loosely and this is the basic reason why watercolor artists choose watercolor painting. A painter paints from detailed to control painting as well as impressionistic to loose painting.  It is going to take several attempts and time to get contented and comfortable with watercolor painting to learn so never give up. But it worth’s.

Following are the easy steps to learn about the early watercolor painting for the beginners.

1.    Place a watercolor sheet paper on a table

Use white pencil marks in order to draw a very simple design on watercolor sheet paper. A circle or maybe a square can be a better idea.

2.    Place a minor dab

Now in this step you need to put a small drop or dab of any color among watercolors on the white palette plate.

3.    Get the brush lightly wet

Now, you need to slightly wet the brush and if the brush is heavily damped, soak it with the towel or you may shake the brush.

4.    Drop several water drops on the watercolor dap

Now, you need to put several drops of water on the watercolor dap with the help of paintbrush in order to prepare watercolor liquid.

5.    Dipping the brush in watercolor liquid

Now you need to paint in the shape drawn on the paper. And if the paint or a shade color is extremely thick and staying in one place, then again, you need to dip the paint brush in the water as well as the addition of some more water to the paint color is required that is placed on your paper. Paint mixtures versus water amounts should be regularly examined and experimented in order to confirm the exact water amount against the desired paint. Dry brush look needs less amount of water on the brush as compared to the amount of paint. Wet flowering look requires more water against the paint. Shape on the paper is filled with the color.

6.    Dry picture

Let the picture dry.

7.    The Watercolor paper piece is taken, and edges are taped down strongly on drawing board

A complete big wet brush is used. Now make an attempt to paint through different colors. How to paint reacts is observed in dissimilar ways as the paper dry up and observes the amount of water on the paper.

8.    A smooth and leveled background light color is obtained via going wet into wet

Colors are easily blended with the paper with each other and some of the specific colors are migrated more as compared to others. Now place blue stripes, then place yellow or the golden stripes following into it and at the end place the stripe of gold while it is heavily wet. A smooth level gradation is formed when you are going to observe the mixture that is created through your colors.

9.    Let it dry till the shine is gone, however the paper remains damp

Strokes are a bit clearer and defined plus soft edged. Let the color dry completely as it is down after that adds wet details on dry.

10.    At first a simple subject is used with colors in broad areas

Sky blue color is mixed. A tree and hills are marked through sketch lines. Then loosely wet in wet paint in them and after that add specific wet large details on damp. As it totally dry, then smallest details through wet on dry are added at the end.

11.    The Paper is dry

Back of the hand is beheld over the painting, however, do not touch it. In order to feel the dampness a bit of the practice is needed. Do not touch your painting as it may damage your painting or your skin’s oil is going to remain on it. Let it to completely dry and flat and then eliminate the tape around the edges. The Tape keeps the paper flat when it bubbles up.

12.    All four sides of the watercolor block are gummed just as writing pad’s top in place of taping the paper down. For the early beginners, it’s really convenient and appropriate, but a bit expensive.

13.    Use lots of light colors plus big wash in an area. Before dry, shake salt well in it. Beautiful effects are made that can be used to create lichen on rocks or snowflakes in the sky.

14.    The White color pencil is used to draw on the paper, lines are shown up in order to see candle end or wax crayon when watercolor is applied to them.

15.    Masking tapes are used to cut out the shapes plus in order to obtain the exact shapes paint inside those shapes. All the things that you masked with the help of masking tape is kept clean and white.

16.    Always firstly paints the dark areas plus around the light areas through watercolor paintings. The things you want to keep the white mask them or paint around them. If you want to make a cup try to draw the shape of the space around the cup and within the handle in place of drawing the cup. A great difference in precision and accuracy is observed.

17.    Glazing

When watercolor area is totally dried another color’s thin wash is mixed plus quickly paint over it. The color is changed and the paint under the details is not being disturbed if done carefully. Sunlight looks extra richer at a landscape through a light gold glaze.