Following is the procedure of how to spray paint a door.
1. Sealing off the trim along with the taping that is present around the door is actually the hardest and the toughest part. You need to start from the trim by spray painting it before the door is removed. The door should need to be removed as it becomes easier in order to paint the door. And spray paint is the best as the door consist of several raised panels that need to be paint around.
2. In order to acquire a good and a better tape line on the black, this is extremely difficult. Thus, you need to choose the trim that is by means of hand. The white section of the door is basically the spray painted part.
3. Begin to paint a door on a lovely day. You need to early remove the door as it requires a lot of time in order to dry in the middle of the coats. You need to slightly sanded and rub down the door as well as the dust needs to be removed before the beginning.
4. A metal primer can be used for the one coat at the door faces the sunlight with no shadow or shade. Handy sprayers are highly suggested as that fits on the cans of the spray paint. So, you are going to acquire a better and a good coverage as when you are spray painting it is going to be hard on the finger. With the help of the attachment, you are going to get extra control.
5. In the next step, you need to apply the even coat of your desired color or it can be red. Before putting on the next or the second following coat you need to allow it to dry for around few hours. Application of the two coats is enough along with the minor touch ups in the sections. Allow the door to dry for the complete day and when it dried you need to attach it back to the axes or the hinges. Make sure that the paint is good and dry so it is not going to leave a single line when locked overnight.